Play 3G Signal Jammer High Power Signal Jammer for 3G + GPS + Cell fJnJcnPdPkG for sale.

Product Specifications:

  • High Power Handheld Signal Jammer (For worldwide all Networks) - Cellular Phone 3G GPS L1 Signal Jammer
  • Isolating Signal Bandwidth:
    - GPS: 1500~1600Mhz
    - CDMA + GSM: 850-960Mhz
    - DCS (PHS) + CDMA + GSM: 1805-1990MHZ
    - 3G: 2110-2170MHz
  • Antenna: 4x Omni-directional Antennas
  • Coverage Area: Up to 15 Meters (depending on the mobile service provider's network condition and background signal strength)
  • Power Source : Wall plug, car adapter, or built-in battery
  • Built-in Battery: 1800mAh
  • Built-in battery time : 90 minutes
  • Total output Power:2 watt
  • Operating Temperature: -10 to +50 Celsius
  • Operating Humidity: 5% to 80%
  • Power supply: AC110-240V 12V
  • Color: Golden
  • Dimensions:
    - Antennas off = 120mm x 62mm x 34mm (L x W x D)
    - Antennas on = 190mm x 62mm x 34mm (L x W x D)
  • Suitable for: Police and Meeting Room, Security Services, Military Units,Prisons, Banks, Churches, Conference Rooms, Classrooms, Secret Services, News Conference Rooms, Libraries, Museums, Customs, Houses.

GPS Jammer GPS Signal Jammers Four Bands GPS Jammer


  • Highly portable.Palm Sized. Easy to carry.
  • Block cell phone 3g bands, GPSL1 bands simultaneously.
  • Good cooling system with Wind slots in both sides and built-in fans design .Nonstop workin g
  • SLeather cover to make the jammer more convenient to carry.

Other Features:

  • Compact size - easily fits in your bag or purse
  • Built in rechargeable li-ion battery
  • Can be charged by AC adapter or car charger
  • Passive Cooling (Completely Silent)
  • No harm to human body or other electronic devices
  • Please don't put the jammer in high voltage and high magnetism locations


  • AC Power Charger (we will send correct standard power charger which according customer's shipping address)
  • Car charger
  • Detachable Antenna x 4
  • Leather Case (Latest version have no leather case, if you need, add 4USD)
  • English User Manual (If you need, we will send the scan file via email, it will avoid some possible custom issue)

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