Play High-power dual-frequency Blocker with 50m jamming distance QkzcQh_dorQwhe for ebay.

Product Description
High-power dual-frequency Blocker with 50m jamming distance is a high-power dual-frequency wireless transmitter product, the 315MHz/433MHz (+/- 2MHz) is its jamming frequency. It can use battery and plug power as its power supply. When uses battery the jamming distance can reach 30m, while using the plug power the jamming distance can up to 50m . This device can be used in places like hotel, conference center and many other places.
Frequency Jammed: 315MHz/433MHz (+/- 2MHz)
Power Supply:DC 9-12V (Battery or Power adaptor)
Operating Range: UP to 50 meters radius
Working current:80mA
Dual Band Radio Freqency Jammer
Power Adaptor

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