Introduce 10PCS 20mm GPS cartridge fuse for Mini 1A Jammer fvGvbhuhhYPevd hot sales.

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Product Description

Still worry that your Mini GPS jammer for Car(JM132806) device will become useless at all if the fuse of it is broken? In this case there is no need for you to worry, as if you can just by the new fuse to replace the broken one and make your Mini GPS jammer back to normal and here the  10PCS 20mm 1A Anti-surge Cartridge Fuse for Mini GPS Jammer  is here for the Mini GPS jammer for Car.

The fuse here is only suitable for the product  Mini GPS jammer for Car(JM132806) , and if you are in need of it just come and pick up this product and it is both a way to save money without buying a new device instead.


  • Amps:1
  • Volts AC:220-380V
  • Length (mm):20.32 MilliMeters
  • Diam. (mm):5 MilliMeters
  • Diam. (in):0.2 Inches
  • Length (in.):0.8 Inches


  • 10pcs fuse for Mini GPS Jammer (JM132806)

This product is in stock now, we guarantee shipping within 24 hours and offer 1 year warranty for all our products. Brought to you by the leader in security devices and best Signal Jammers, Jammerall.

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