Best for Directional Panel Antennas 320W High Power Multi Band Jammer Device mrihfsJceti for ebay.

Product Description

This product you are viewing is the 3PCS Directional Panel Antenna for 320W High Power Multi Band Jammer (JM110841) , which is designed for it and gives you more convenience once the antenna of the product is broken. So if you want to own a set of spare antenna for your product, you can just come and pick up this one.


  • Frequency Range:

-GSM1800 & PCS1900,1805-1990MHz

  • Input Impedance:50(Ω)
  • VSWR:<1.5
  • Gain:12(dBi),15(dBi)
  • HPBW(3dB)

-65°H-plane  ,30°E-plane
-65°H-plane  ,13°E-plane

  • F/B:25(dB)
  • Maximum Power:500(W)
  • Polarization:Vertical Polarization
  • PIM:<-107(dBm)
  • Connector Type:N-K
  • Lighting Protection:Direct Ground
  • Wind Velocity:200(km/h)
  • Height/Width/Depth:1250/280/80(mm)
  • Hold Pole Diameter:Φ50-Φ114(mm)


  • Directional Panel Antenna for 320W High Power Multi Band Jammer


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