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phone signal jammer|Dictaphone and Monitoring with Detector buit-in battery rluJPnufezh.

  • Product Description
       With compact and mini size, the video and audio monitor can be easily hidden almost anywhere while you couldn’t be able to find them. If somebody monitor you and your family with ulterior motives, how terrible thing is! So the wireless RF signal detectors for video cam and audio bug are widely used in many occasions to avoid monitoring, such as in car, office, conference, room, dressing room, bathroom, hotel,recreation ground, military establishment or government and everywhere you need.
       It is sensitive, so it can detect the video and audio equipments. In order to avoid monitoring, the detector is designed to pick up any signals. The scope of detecting frequency is very large form 1MHz to 8000MHz and the coverage area is up to 25 meters . When detect the video or audio device, it will alarm with sound or optic. Therefore it can protect your privacy well.
       It is efficient and easy to operate. Just like a cell phone, it can be carrying to any place and do not need for professional electronic knowledge. More details you can browse the product features and specifications. Just go ahead, put it into your cart, you’ll find it is worthy of you.
    - Handheld design; comfortable when holding.
    - Use in meeting rooms, dressing rooms, bathrooms, hotel rooms, or anyplace when needed.
    - Protect your privacy well.
    - Simple to operate.
    Scope of detecting frequency: 1MHz-8000MHz
    Main frequency channel: 25MHz-6000MHz
    Detecting sensitivity: <=0.05mw
    Detecting dynamic range: 70dB
    Coverage Area: Up to 25 meters
    Indicate mode: 9 levels LED luminescence indication/voicing instruction
    Power: 9V laminated battery
    Volume: 120*62*22mm
    Typical Battery Life: 120 minutes
    Working Temperature: -10 ~ +50 deg
    Wireless Detector of Dictaphone and Voice Monitoring


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