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  • mobile phone blocker|New Cellphone Style Mini Portable Cellphone Signal Jammer nmzrJwkiGbvJrve

Product Details

Product Description

Only shields the signals from cell phone and does not affect the normal operation of other electronic devices. The New Cellphone Style Mini Portable Cellphone Signal Jammer device can be taken with you at anywhere anytime. Inside the signal jammer, slow start-up circuit can avoid sparkling caused by mechanical switch.Light weight, this kit can be taken with you anywhere you want it.

It is important to note that this kind of jammer only blocks the downlink signal and has no effect to the base station. As a powerful device, it can contious work for 2 hours with one charge.

It can be widely used in following places, such as Conference room, auditoriums, law court, library, exam room, school, cinema, theater, and hospital etc. All places where mobile phones are prohibited such as government, military, finance, security, police and command center, you can see such device.

Want it? Then get it now!


  • Isolating Signal Bandwidth:

- CDMA/GSM:860-970MHz
- DCS/PHS: 1805-1990MHz
- 3G:2110-2170

  • Single Output Power: +25dBm / 500mW
  • Power Input: AC110V-240V
  • Power Output: DC5V 800mAh
  • Jamming Range: Radius 1- 10 m (the Cellular signal must≤-85dBm in the location),the jamming radius still depends on the strength signal in given area.
  • Dimension: 100(L)*50(W)*18(H) mm
  • Weight: 100g
  • Temperature: -40?+55?i>
  • Relative Humility: ≤90% (RH)
  • Air Pressure: 86~106kPa
  • Color:Black


Note: The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer's reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc.

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