Best + Phone + GSM Cell CDMA + DCS + 3G xiPwmJevm 50% discount.

Product Details

Product Description

Technical Specifications

  • Frequency jamming band: All kind of band GSM, CDMA, DCS, 3G, etc
  • Working frequency:
    -CDMA: 851-894MHZ
    -GSM: 935-960MHZ
    -DCS: 1805-1880MHZ
    -3G: 2110-2170MHZ
  • The jammer has 4 transmitter system, each transmit outputs 3watts (output is adjustable) the total output is12watts
  • Can work continuously without a break
  • Application: jails, churches, meeting rooms, cars(can use vehicle adapter)etc
  • Covering range reaches to 0-50 meters radius depending on the signal strength
  • Dimension: 180×111×30(mm)
  • Power adapter:5V12A   AC:110-240V; 50/60HZ
  • We take use of our customized power supply, which can live 3 times than the power supply of our competitors
  • Our jammers can live 2 times than the jammers of our competitors

Note: The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer's reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc.

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