
Product Notes :

Effectively block signals of GSM,CDMA, DCS,PCS,3G,RF 315MHz/433MHz frequency,this powerful 6 Antenna Cell phone Jammer & RFJammer can be applied at meeting rooms,museums, galleries, theatres, churches, temples, restaurants,classrooms, training centers, factories, banks, trains, bus and other places where silence is needed. With this equipment, people can make sure that no interference or disturbance will trouble them.

Inside, it is featured with Good cooling system with cooling fan, you can directly use it in the car and charge it there if it is necessary.

The most appropriate time here is for waiting your selection!

Note: The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer's reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc.

Cell phone carrier 5264 7068 3994
radio frequency identifier 8071 3517 4527
radio frequency identification 6094 2029 2048
signal twice 4441 2966 7024
signal 意味 3573 8137 1989
signal アプリ 2595 2600 372
signalポーズ 6142 5293 3550
signaling 6177 7582 8055
signal LINE 2732 737 4336

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