How to use TSJ-MBJ102 Bomb Jammer to Defeat IED Signal Detonation tJiflcrk for sale.

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Product Description

The TSJ-MBJ102 multi-band bomb jammer can be constructed to jam up to six frequency bands, and the overall RF output power is above 300Watts.

A “Smart active” cooling system enables unlimited, continuous use. The system also features a fully protected circuit in case of disconnection of antennas.

The MBJ102 is designed for easy installation and use. Simply attach selected antennas and operate from external UPS batteries, or plug into either AC mains or DC power source and start to operate.

We offer a 2 year warranty on this bomb and IED defeating unit.

Also see our TSJ-85W vehicle jammer for a more compact high performance model.


This product has been fully replaced with the TSJ-MBJ200 which offers a much higher power output as well as user-adjustable digitalally programmed channels.

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