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    • mobile phone signal blocker|Portable Silvery GPS Wi-Fi Jammer Cellphone JtYwPJuGbYxn

This style is with more functions, it can not shield the cellphone signals but the GPS as well as the WiFi frequence range. And you may use it in diffrernt places according to you situation. Therefore this one is really very uesful for you!

RF Frequency : 925-960MHz, 1805-1880MHz, 1500-1600MHz, 2400-2500MHz (Europe Market Frequency)

Advantages : 1.Highly portable. Easy to carry.

                        2.Palm Sized 

                        3. Highly efficient jamming effect by the high power of 3Watt design.

                        4. Car adaptor available.

                        5. Optional cover to make the jammer more convenient to carry.

Color : Silvery 

Package Weight :0.83kg/pcs

Output Power : 3W

Working Time : 60minuters 

Power supply : AC adapter (AC100-240V DC12V)

Dimension : 112 x 62 x 30 mm

Charger : Including Car charger and Charger Adapter

Jamming Radius : Up to 15-20 meters (Signal ≤-75dBm)


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