Product Specifications:

  • Adjustable 3G GSM Cell Phone Jammer with Five Bands
  • Isolating Signal Bandwidt:
    - CDMA (850-894MHz)
    - GSM (925-960MHz)
    - DCS&PHS (1805-1990MHz)
    - 3G (2100-2170MHz)
    - CDMA450 (450-470MHz)
  • Total Output power:12W
  • Power Supply: AC adapter (AC100-240V  DC5V12A)
  • Shielding Radius: Up to 40 meters (depending on the mobile service provider's network condition and background signal strength) 
  • Package size:455*245*85mm
  • Features: Adjustable outpat power, each band,can be controlled separately.

Jammer Cell Phone Jammer Five Bands Cell Phone Jammer Mobile Phone Jammer


  • 5 x Detachable Antennas
  • 1 x AD/DC Adapter
  • 1 x English User Manual (If you need, we will send the scan file via email, this will avoid some possible custom issue)

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