How to use Wireless Camera Scanner locate to cameras szlcazJJoaebcz for sale.

Product Description
   Wireless camera detector, spy cam scanner is the Wireless Camera Scanner which you can use to locate hidden cameras in your house, office or other important building. Within five seconds of work it will scan all specified frequencies. If any hidden spy video camera is discovered it will produce the alarm tune. Earphone port is used for sound output.
   With the help of this Portable Camera Detector you can be always sure that no hidden video cams are concealed and installed secretly near you. But if they are installed, you will discover them very quickly and take them out. There are no spy cameras which can avoid the destiny of being discovered by it.
   This Spy Camera Locator can be used by you for many different purposes. Using this helpful camera finding device you can scan surrounding area to locate any possibly hidden video cameras. Private investigators can find this device to be quite useful, handy and helpful in their hard work.
   This Hidden Camera Detector may be also used for testing equipment by RF engineers and other professionals across the planet. It is easy to use and the results of its work will impress anyone who is using CBD99, no matter for spy camera location as building owner, private detective or for RF testing purposes as scientist or engineer.
Frequencies Scanned: 900MHz-2700MHz
Auto-Scan: From 10 to 20 cycles per second
Manual Scanning: 1MHz to 10MHz per second
Video Protocols: PAL/NTSC and CCIR/EIA (L-20, ML-30, M-40, MH-50, H-60)
Monitor Data: 2.5'' TFT chromatic
Current Consumed: 650mA
Battery Information: 4 x AA 1.5V, can work for 3 hours
Power Source: AC110-240V 400mA to 5VDC 1A
Antenna Info: Isotropic SMA
Product Color: Black
Weight Information: 300g without batteries, 700g full package
Size Information: 120x74x35mm scanner, 220x123x42mm package
Wireless camera detector
Power adaptor


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