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Wholesales High Power Portable Phone and Cell GPS Jammer Carry Case fcYxeo_whluhtcv for hidden.

  • Wholesales High Power Portable Phone and Cell GPS Jammer Carry Case fcYxeo_whluhtcv for hidden
  • Product Details

    Product Description


    This High Power Portable GPS and Cell Phone Jammer with Carry Case just like its name, which is a high-powerful mobile blocker full-band tracker jammer designed to stop all signals of phone calls and tracking systems once you apply this jammer device. Cell phones and GPS can be blocked in any country. Disable frequencies contain GSM, GPRS group, 3G access and GPS track system. In case you detected masked GPS tracking device under your car, it will provide you an invaluable service - block them.

    Once you get ready this multifunctinal cell phone and GPS jammer by your side, there would be no opportunity to spy on you. Intermediate jamming range amounts 15 meters. It is available for 24/7 on condition that it is supplied via power supply adapterTwo power supply adapters for you to pick outIt may be powered via car adapter or AC adapter. This Cell phone jammer applies high-powered isotopic aerials. Completely recharged blocker is active for two working hours. GPS and GSM jammers might be on and off apart.

    Want to know more? Then come and get one for your own taste.


    • Power: CDMA:25dbm  GSM25dbm  DCS:25dbm or PCS:25dbm GPS:23dbm 3G:23dbm
    • Frequency:
    • -CDMA (851MHz-894MHz)
    • -GSM (925MHz-960MHz)
    • -DCS (1805MHZ-1880MHZ)
    • -PCS (1930MHZ-1990MHZ) 
    • -3G (2110MHZ-2180MHZ)
    • -GPS (1500MHZ-1600MHZ)
    • Automatic power switching power supply: 50 / 60 Hz / AC 100 ~ 240V transmitting to DC12V
    • Jamming range: Radius 15-20M for GPS, Radius 5-10M for Mobile Phone(depend on cell phone signal)
    • Battery: Ni- ion battery DC4.2V/4800mA/h
    • Continue using time: around 120 minute
    • Extraneous Size: 110 / 190x63x34.5 mm
    • Weight: 280g / 1kg (jammer / full package)
    • Temperature: 0 - 50 C
    • Humidity Data: from 5% to 80%


    Note: The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer's reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc.


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