  • Buy TSJ-UAV3077 Waterproof Outdoor for Blocker UAV Anti Operations ducuazhhvhfYlfbwieQu NavtechGPS

tDescription" id="ProductDescription">

Product Description

The TSJ-UAV3077 is a 7 band, outdoor drone blocker designed to prevent drone intrusions at fixed locations.
Protect your facility with one of the highest quality anti drone jammers available.

Standard configuration:

One Directional Antenna with 3 bands covers 90 degrees:
2.4-2.5GHz: 20W
WiFi 11.g, b, Bluetooth


5.7GHz-5.9GHz: 2.0W
WiFi 11.a

One Directionsl Antenna with 3 bands covers 90 degrees:
WiFi 11.g, b, Bluetooth


5.7GHz-5.9GHz: 2.0W
WiFi 11.a

And One Omnidirectional antenna covering 360 degrees:
433MHz: 50W
Remote Control (cover 360 degree)

Total 174W of Output Power

Custom tuning options are available, however the configuration above is best suited for most commercial drones / UAVs
Such as Dji Phantom 4, Phantom 3 Professional, Advanced, Standard series, Inspire Series, etc.

Waterproof for outdoor use

Adjustable Output Power on each Channel, from MAX Output Power to 0 (OFF)
100% Safe VSWR over protection (Isolator) for each module
Wireless Remote Control or Ethernet Interface to control of Jammers ON/OFF
Power supply:    AC110 or 220-240V /DC 27V
Jamming Range:    Radius 1000-3000+ Meters
Weight    25Kg (Main Jammer Only)
Dimension:    52 x 34 x 20 cm
Working time:    Can Work NonStop
Antenna Type:    Directional Patch Panel (2) and Omnidirectional Antenna (1)

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