2017 4000mAh Lithium-Ion Battery for Handheld Multi-purpose Jammer wvhfdfJcvkh for ebay.

Product Details

Product Description

The product here that you are viewing is named 4000mAh Lithium-Ion Battery for Handheld Multi-purpose Jammer , which is designed for the people of whom the jammer battery is broken and want to make the handheld jammer back to the normal working as before.

So if you have the above handheld signal jammers and want to buy one more 4000mAh Lithium-Ion Battery or gain a handheld jammer Lithium-Ion battery to replace the bad one then just get this battery for handheld signal jammer and soon your jammer will back to normal work as well.


  • Voltage:7.4V
  • Capability:4000mAh


  • 4000mAh Lithium-Ion Battery for Handheld Jammer

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