Product Description:

The  adjustable high power jammer has 8 antennas and each one can jam a particular frequency,which means this jammer  is so powerful that it can block 8 frequencies at the same time with the radius up to 50 meters.It has double unique cooling fans and aluminum shell against overheating so that it can work for a long time continuously.

The primary frequencies it blocks are as follows: 


GSM :930-960MHz



4G LTE (725-770 MHz) or 4G Wimax (2500-2700 MHz) or 4G (2300-2400MHz)

In addition to the primary frequencies this jammer is presented in 3 configurations :

315 MHz and 433 MHz

Lojack,VHF (135-174 MHz) and UHF (400-470MHz)

GPS (1570-1580MHz) and WIFI 2.4G (2400-2500MHz)



Powerful output

Widest frequency range with 8 bands

Large jamming radius up to 40 meters

Can work 24 hours continuously with black aluminum shell



Transmit Power:19W

Operating Range: radius up to 50 meters (depending on the signal strength in the given area)

Power supply: AC power adapter

Dimensions :140x51x350 mm

Packing Weight:3.2kg



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