Product Description

Have you ever consider that for the signal jammers that are original equipped with Omni-directional antennas you can also find the high gain directional antennas for it and block the signals only form one direction? After having a look at this High Gain Directional Antennas for High Power Adjustable WiFi Phone Jammer you will know such kind of high gain directional antennas for high power jammer has been invented now.

This high gain directional antennas for high power jammer is designed only for the product Adjustable 3G/4G All Cell phone Signal Jammer & WiFi Jammer (JASM170165) only and this set of high gain directional antennas is made up of 5pcs antennas which can off the signals of CDMA GSM DCS PCS 3G WiFi 2.4G 4G (Wimax) signals and for the frequency bands and for the 4G LTE frequency it can still use the original antenna as well.

So if you have the need to block the signals of one direction and own powerful jamming distance then just go ahead here to pick up one set.

Only CDMA/GSM, DCS/PCS,3G,WiFi,and 4G these 5 frequency bands can use directional antennas.
The 4G LTE frequency band can’t work with directional antenna.



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